and Access
How do I log-in the first time? (I’m an instructor)
If your site
has issued you an Instructor Account, you’ve received a welcome email from hello@refleq.com with a log-in link.
I’m having trouble logging in
- Go to https://refleq.com/
- Click the white
login link (top right).
- Click the aqua
Forgot Password link.
- Enter your school
email address.
- You’ll now receive
an email so you can select a password and log in.
- If you still
encounter difficulty, please contact your site administrator or ReflEQ support.
first three steps (Instructor)
Step 1: Create a new Journal
- Go to Dashboard
(left purple nav bar).
- Click on “Untitled
Journal” (or the New Journal button).
- Name your Journal
(e.g., Civil Rights Project, Mock Trial, Spring Portfolio Review).
Step 2: Browse the curated question banks
- Browse the curated
question banks in the right panel.
- Drag/drop questions
into your Queue that seem interesting to scaffold your project, unit, course,
or other instructional sequence.
- Your Queue is a
“holding pen” for questions you might want to assign. You can add, remove or
rearrange the order of questions in your Queue at any time.
- The Queue is built
to be flexible, so you can make choices along the way as you assign each
question. The more “sticky” a question is to a particular learning moment, the
more relevant and deep the student reflections will be.
Step 3: Get ready to work with students
- Click into your
Journal. Use the “Add Groups” link (below Journal name) to connect a pre-formed
Group and Section(s) of students to your Journal.
- Note: all Sections
connected to your Journal will be issued questions on the same time schedule,
with the same due dates.
- If Sections need different due dates, consider running them in separate
- Another approach is to keep them all in one
Journal, and set due dates to fit the last/latest Section. Communicate your
due-date expectations in class.
- For help creating a
Group, see Setting up Groups / Sections
up Groups / Sections (Instructor)
How do I create a new Group / Sections?
- Click New Group
button. Name your Group, typically by
course name.
- Save and add
Sections of students you want to work with (e.g., Section A, Period 2, etc.).
If there’s only one class of students, you can name it “All”
- Here are some
examples of Groups and Sections:
I can’t find the students I need in the list. How
do I add them to ReflEQ?
- If you don’t find
the students you need, your Site Administrator can upload student lists.
- You can also add
students manually by clicking HERE
on the bottom of your screen:
with a colleague (Instructor)
How do I invite a colleague to view a Journal with
me? (Optional)
- On your Dashboard,
- Enter your
colleague’s email address. If it’s not recognized, ask your site administrator
to create a ReflEQ user account for your colleague.
- Your colleague
shares your view of student reflections, and can help you assign questions to
students if you choose.
- The two of you can
also share notes in the Teacher’s Lounge alongside student reflections. What you write in the Teacher’s Lounge is not
viewable by students, just each other.
a reflection to students (Instructor)
How do I get ready to assign a question to my
- Click the Assign
link (right side of any question in your Queue) to start the process.
How do I set the assign / due dates for a
- Leave the Assign date alone if you want to
assign immediately to students. Otherwise set a future assign date/time.
- Set the Due date.
It will be possible to edit the Due date once a question is assigned.
What other choices do I have?
- Notify students by
e-mail: You may want to turn this ON if you’re assigning the reflection for
homework. Students will receive an email
that the question has been assigned, and another email 24 hours before the
question is due.
- Require students to
submit evidence: Turn this ON if you want students to attach a piece of PDF
evidence alongside the reflection, e.g. for a portfolio review process.
- Allow late
responses. This feature is currently locked ON. A student can still submit a
reflection after the due date, but a “late” icon will appear next to that
How do I issue the reflection question to my students?
- After setting the
question assign/due dates and other choices, simply click the aqua Assign
student reflections (Instructor)
How do I view all responses to a certain question?
Click View
Responses on any assigned question to see anonymized reflections in real time.
- The Search
Reflections box helps you skim reflections for keywords.
- Click the Show
Names button (right top) to associate student names with their
How do I view a particular student’s journal?
- Click on any name
to view that student’s journal across all assigned questions.
- There’s also an
aqua “Journals (by student)” button on your main set-up screen.
How do I see data on the questions I’ve assigned?
- In Assigned
Questions, hover over Data to see the pie chart. This helps you understand the
meta-skills associated with the questions you’ve assigned.
a journal with students (Instructor)
How do I assign the final meta-reflection to
- You may use the meta-reflection
slot (below the Queue) to issue one final question, prompting for overall
trends and learnings across students’ previous reflections. The “meta” category in the ReflEQ banks are
designed for this phase.
What can students do with their journals outside
of ReflEQ?
- Ask your students
to print, export (PDF) or share by secure weblink their
completed journals.
- For example, a PDF
journal can be turned in alongside other assignment deliverables.
- As another example,
a weblink journal can be shared more broadly with other instructors,
counselors, parents (e.g., for student-led conferencing, portfolio-review,
mastery-transcript evidence).