Quickstart Guide for Students

Quickstart Guide for Students

Last updated: August 27, 2019


Hi Students:

Thank you for using ReflEQ, a new online platform for reflection.

In ReflEQ, your teacher will ask you questions alongside your project, unit, or assignment. Please take your time and be honest.  There are no “right or wrong answers.”  At the conclusion, you’ll have a reflective journal to complement your work.  

Note that your reflections are visible to you and your teacher, but never to other students.


How do I log in?

  1. Go to​ ​https://refleq.com

  2. Click the white login link (top right).

  3. Your user name is your school email address.

  4. Your initial password is: TryItOut

  5. Click on My Account at top right.

  6. Dropdown to My Profile.

  7. Click the Password tab and ​change your password​.

How do I respond to a ReflEQ question?

  1. Go to My Reflections (left purple nav bar).

  2. If your teacher has asked you a question, there’s a lime green indicator in “Time to Reflect” tab. Click on the Project to reach the response screen.

  3. As you type, your response auto-saves (even if you leave the page or exit ReflEQ).

  4. Click “Submit” when you’re ready to submit your reflection.

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